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Cute Overload Calendar!!!


Well, we just got our copy of the Cute Overload 2010 Page-a-Day Calendar, and Gadget is the picture for Monday, April 5, 2010.

Gadget, you’re FAMOUS!

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So fresh and clean!!!


For the first time ever, I took my pugs to a professional groomer. I dropped the pugs off after dropping Martine off at daycare, and I picked them both up in the afternoon. I was a bit hesitant to take them to the groomer because I have always just done all the grooming myself. But, I finally decided that it was about time for me to delegate that task to a professional, just so we can get them having baths on a regular schedule, and hopefully help with the shedding problem.

All I have to say is that if you think you are doing a good job giving your pug a bath, a professional can probably do a better job. Plus, the groomer did the best deshed job I have ever seen. I don’t think I could have gotten this much undercoat off the pugs if I had used a furminator for an hour on each one. It turns out that the professionals have lots of tools that we don’t, and they’re good at getting all that pug undercoat out. So much so that now, I can actually pet my pugs without having a handful of fur!!!

Even More Pug Walker

Here’s another video of Martine walking the pugs. This time, at the end of the video, I ask her which Pug she’s walking, and she responds “Momo” (which is what we call Gizmo)

Useful Pug Products

Pug Walker

This weekend, I was going to take the pugs on a walk, like I usually do. However, one thing was different this time. You see, Martine knows where the leashes are, but this weekend, she figured out what they were for. She realized that I was putting them on the pugs and taking them outside — so, I took her with me. This is the result:

Also, Martine is beginning to talk, and she is using more words all the time now. But, I’d like to point out right now, that she has the following words in her vocabulary.

  • Dog
  • Woof (is what dogs say)
  • Momo (is what we call Gizmo)
  • Baba (bottle)
  • Dada (she uses this to refer to me, Tricia, and herself when asked “who is that in the picture”, although she does say Mama sometimes, and can definitely distinguish between Mama and Dada on the hearing side, just not the speaking side)
  • No (her favorite word, next to “dog”)
  • Shoes (she LOVES shoes and is fixated on having them on/taking them off/having them back on again)

I’m leaving out a few, but those are the words she uses most of the time. Note that almost half of them are pug-related!!! She loves her pugs!

Advice for a fellow Pug owner?

Kirsten, a new Urban Pug reader writes in,

[My Pug] is 3 years old and I love him to death but he hates TV. Commercials get him every time, and it must be loud noises that catch his attention. He jumps on the TV and attacks it and doesn’t stop. I have tried the squirt bottle but he just runs in circles and then jumps back onto the TV…any advice?

I honestly have no clue about what would make a Pug act like that. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Done with the Bar Exam!


So, I’m finally done with Law School and the Bar Exam. Now, I have a little bit of free time after doing nothing but study for the last 2 months. I do have a huge to-do list, though.

Anyway, I was browsing through photos today, and I came across these old photos (May 2005). I think they show two really cute pugs, if I do say so, myself!

Martine can now tell the pugs apart

Check out this video:

Pug Shedding

Someone asked me about how to stop pug shedding the other day. I wrote up a big post about how to stop pug shedding three years ago, but here’s my current strategy. My current thoughts are that you can’t do that much to stop it. Diet can influence shedding somewhat, but not all THAT much, at least in my case. I feed my pugs Tripett Advanced Skin and Coat Formula with their meals. Anyway, my strategy is that you can’t STOP the shedding, but you can reduce it for relatively long periods of time. Please note that all pugs are different. I’m mainly dealing with Gadget’s fur — he has a very thick undercoat which sheds a lot. Your experience may vary.

Here’s what I do:

  1. Furminate Heavily
  2. Give Bath
  3. Dry Thoroughly, Wait until completely dry. Hair Dryer on cool setting is also good.
  4. Furminate Heavily Again
  5. Furminate Heavily Again
  6. Wait two days for the shedding to end
  7. Vacuum everywhere.

If you do this, you blow enough hair off of the coat to make it so that the shedding is minimized for a good lengthy period of time, until the hair builds back up. Then you have to repeat.

What do you do to stop shedding? What have you tried that doesn’t work? Please let everyone know, and leave a comment!

Stroller Pug

Can you believe this? CRAZY.

Tricia found this via DListed. You can also watch it on Urban Pug TV.



Oopsy loves to sit on top of the middle pillow of our leather sofa. This is a close up of her up there, almost hiding behind half of the pillow. I thought this was a good snap of her up there.

Also, I just found out that Gadget’s going to be in the Cute Overload 2010 Calendar! (I think for his easter pug pictures that made it to their site this year and last.)

Spaghetti Pugs

Watch all the way til the end. The Pugs are our clean up crew!

Careful, it’s getting hot out there

Summer is here again, and depending on where you live, it’s either already hot or it’s going to get hot soon.

Pugs are brachycephalic, which means not only that they have a short nose, but also that their ability to cool themselves is less than other dogs. You see, dogs cool themselves via evaporation in their nasal passages and with their tongues. Because pugs have less of that, they just can’t keep as cool as other dogs.

So, be careful out there this summer, it’s hot out there. Make sure your dogs have enough water, and make sure they don’t stay outside too long if it is too hot in your area (it is already way too hot in our area for gizmo and gadget to be out for very long, but oopsy is a bit smaller and likes to stay out a bit longer, but still not for too long)

New iphone

I’m just testing out the wordpress application to post to urban pug from my iPhone.

Testing, 1 2 3.

A New Bed?


Gadget has found himself a new bed. He totally doesn’t fit into it, but he seemed to think it was comfortable enough.

If you can’t tell, this is the top of our garbage can.


Sorry it’s been a long time since I’ve had a chance to update. Since the last update, I’ve graduated from law school, had a big party at the house, and started the grueling bar exam review process… Along with taking care of three pugs and a baby who can now do LOTS more than she could a few months ago, including get into lots of stuff she shouldn’t be into!

Here are a few pictures that include Martine playing next to the baby pool w/ Oopsy, Oopsy & Gizmo taking over Martine’s Toddler Bed, and Martine NOT giving Gadget his Chicken Jerky! Just look at Gadget’s face, he’s saying “Oh no you didn’t!”


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