November 23, 2009 at 12:45 pm · Show more about: Pug
First, I’d like to welcome our newest advertiser,, which sells a variety of boutique and luxury dog items. I encourage you to go take a look at their site, just to see what they have. Even if you don’t buy anything today, take a look and see what they’ve got. Maybe something will make a good gift later?
Also, one of the interesting things from their site that’s actually really cool is this Dog Brick Puzzle. For those of you who don’t know, dogs have an innate need to hunt — it keeps them from being bored. If you can give them some way to “work” for some portion of their food, it can really help to prevent dog boredom. This kind of puzzle is one way to make your dog work for some of his food. By leaving this dog brick puzzle filled with a few treats before you leave the house, it will give your dog something to do while you’re gone!
I’d also like to thank our existing advertisers. They help make Urban Pug possible. Don’t forget to check their sites out once in a while. You can see all the existing advertisers in the “Urban Pug Advertisers” section of the right column.
October 11, 2009 at 9:13 am · Show more about: Pug
We saw these products on TV this morning, and I thought everyone would be interested in hearing about them. The vacuum cleaner attachment is a combination of a brush and a UNIVERSAL attachment. You can brush your pug w/ it, and the fur will get sucked away. The SpotBot is a carpet cleaner that does all the work for you, you just put it down on the ground, and it cleans the spot it’s placed on. Finally, the Pet Hair Eraser is a tiny corded vacuum cleaner, almost like a dust buster, except it is just for cleaning hair. For example, you could keep it in a drawer by your sofa, specifically to clean the hair off the sofa before guests come over.
FunnyFur is having a huge “Howl-O-Ween” Photo Contest this year, and the winner gets a $200 gift card to FunnyFur. There is $5 entry fee, but 100% of the fee will be donated to Best Friends Animal Society. So, if you like Pugs in costume, submit a picture, and help a good cause.
September 24, 2009 at 5:17 am · Show more about: Pug
I saw a picture of this pug, and posted one of the pics to the Urban Pug Facebook page. Then, I asked people to post their “sad” pug pictures to the Urban Pug Facebook page, too. The results have been amazing! Lots of people have posted. Go check it out (you can check it out even if you don’t have a Facebook account), and if you DO have a Facebook account, please post some of your pics!
A while back, I was sent a copy and asked to review a book titled: Nico and Lola: Kindness Shared Between a Boy and a Dog. Simply, it’s a picture book about a boy taking care of a Pug. However, it’s a lot more than just that. The aim of the book is to teach kindness to young children, and it is FILLED with lots of pictures of kids and a Pug named Lola.
Right now my reviewer’s perspective is that of a pug owning parent of an 18 month old. Kids that young aren’t exactly ready to fully understand the message of the book, BUT Martine absolutely LOVES all the pictures. You see, she’s used to seeing pugs in person, but all of her books have other kinds of dogs. So, when she gets to see a PUG in a BOOK, she gets really happy and points out the pug in each picture.
If you’re looking to get a book for a young child, I would recommend Nico and Lola. More information is available at the Nico and Lola Website.
August 21, 2009 at 2:35 pm · Show more about: bed, Pug
For 6 years, we have used. 6 years ago, Gizmo and Gadget claimed two old chairs we had as their own. Because the chairs got used by the pugs so much, they got impossible to keep clean, so we basically had to use them only as dog chairs. However, we finally decided to get a bed that’s designated as a DOG BED.
The pugs like it just fine, and they’re sleeping on it as I write this.
August 11, 2009 at 8:54 am · Show more about: martine, Pug
Here’s another video of Martine walking the pugs. This time, at the end of the video, I ask her which Pug she’s walking, and she responds “Momo” (which is what we call Gizmo)
So, I’m finally done with Law School and the Bar Exam. Now, I have a little bit of free time after doing nothing but study for the last 2 months. I do have a huge to-do list, though.
Anyway, I was browsing through photos today, and I came across these old photos (May 2005). I think they show two really cute pugs, if I do say so, myself!
Summer is here again, and depending on where you live, it’s either already hot or it’s going to get hot soon.
Pugs are brachycephalic, which means not only that they have a short nose, but also that their ability to cool themselves is less than other dogs. You see, dogs cool themselves via evaporation in their nasal passages and with their tongues. Because pugs have less of that, they just can’t keep as cool as other dogs.
So, be careful out there this summer, it’s hot out there. Make sure your dogs have enough water, and make sure they don’t stay outside too long if it is too hot in your area (it is already way too hot in our area for gizmo and gadget to be out for very long, but oopsy is a bit smaller and likes to stay out a bit longer, but still not for too long)