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Gizmo and Gadget meet Martine!


Today we brought Martine home from the hospital. We were careful introducing her to Gizmo and Gadget, and so far they seem to be totally fine with her.

At first, Gizmo was super interested but Gadget not at all. However, that was probably because Gadget just didn’t realize what She was because later, Gadget became EXTREMELY interested. At the very beginning, Gadget got up close to her, and she moved.

He was totally shocked that it moved! So what did he do? He barked at her a few times. After he got used to the idea that this new thing can move, he got really curious. “What is this thing? What is it? What is it? I want to smell it! I want to check it out!”

Overall, G&G have been curious, but not aggressive at all. On only a few occasions have I had to give them a tiny nudge to not let them walk on her. (Gizmo wanted to get in the baby papasan chair with her, just like he would share a bed with us or with Gadget)

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