We saw a whole bunch of pugs today at the meetup. This is Tony, hanging out with Tricia. Unlike Gizmo and Gadget, Tony loves to play fetch. Gizmo & Gadget just have never liked fetching, but Tony & some of the other pugs there, just went fetch crazy.
People also asked about Gadget’s weight. Yes, he’s big. He’s about 24 pounds now, which is very big for a pug, but, well, “he’s not fat, he’s just big boned.” — No, really, he is big boned, he was bred for it. Gadget is like the NFL offensive lineman who has 8% body fat, but is 300 pounds. Not that gadget is made of muscle, it’s just that he’s built with such a big frame that the fat he does have (hey, he IS a pug) makes him seem fat.
Anyway, we had a great time at the pug meetup, and if you’re local to New Orleans, you can go to yahoo groups and find the new orleans pug meetup group to find out about when we’re meeting. Also, if you just want to get your 2 cents in about anything and everything pug related (or just tell me that you think gadget is too fat), you can go to the Urban Pug Forums. Oh yeah, one more thing — i posted all the pictures from today at Flickr.