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Car Lovers

No pictures, but this morning, Gizmo and Gadget both hopped into the NEIGHBOR’s car on their early morning walk. Usually, gizmo will hop into my car as soon as i open the door, but gadget resists (i have to pick him up and put him in the car).

However, today, they wanted a ride so badly that they’d take it from anyone who’d give it to them. Unfortunately, they had to wait until i got home from work at about 8 (i drove into new orleans today for work). When I got home, tricia and I ate dinner, then we took the pugs on a ride while *we* got some baskin & robbins.

And, i wish i had my camera, because g&g both got to lick spoons, and it was freaking cute.

“cuteness explosion!”

also, please send in pictures! we want your pictures! gizmo@urbanpug.com !

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